The trumpeting of elephants, the shrill sounds of a bird flying overhead and the splashing of seals that seem to be having a great time – that’s a day out at Artis! Artis is the oldest zoo in the Netherlands. This zoo in Amsterdam is perfect for both adults and children.
At the entrance of Artis you can pick up a map, which you can use to think ahead about what you want to see. This is recommended because there are too many fun things to do and see in Artis during a day out.
The young monkeys imitating their parents, the sharks swimming right past the window of the aquarium, the children will have plenty of experiences! And if you want to take a break, sit down at one of the terraces and enjoy the beautiful weather. For the children there is also a playground with a huge climbing frame available.
If you are planning a daytrip to Artis in Amsterdam during the summer, alone or with your children, check out what programs are planned during the summer evenings!